Master Wayne Edwards Founded WFMC GB in 2013 and in 2020 became the WFMC World President. He has create the New WFMC Consitituion and is set about createing a Legacy to bring sport martial arts to every town, city and village through out the World.

WFMC GB was founded on the principles and ideals of Issa Akkus in 2013 and Headed By Master Wayne Edwards.
The World Fight Sports and Martial Arts Council (WFMC) is a global organization of Martial artists, practitioners, instructors, and school owners engaged in different disciplines and arts, as well as styles and principles. We are founded on the principles and ideals of Issa Akkus. The organization was established by Master Akkus, at the request and with the blessings of numerous highly regarded martial artists from across internationally in order to preserve the vision of the founders.
WFMC desires to bring Martial Arts to Families and individuals in every town, city and village around the World for the enjoyment of families as an activity and part of their routine as well as give them the opportunity to test their skills locally, nationally and internationally.
WFMC strives to promote, organize and regulate sport martial arts events and provide a clear route and opportunity for professional fighters and professional instructors after a period of amateur competition. We assist our Members in strengthening their position as national leaders in sport martial arts, and develop specific services and facilities for its Members and provide them with assistance, training and support.
Master Wayne Edwards Founded WFMC GB in 2013 and in 2020 became the WFMC World President. He has create the New WFMC Consitituion and is set about createing a Legacy to bring sport martial arts to every town, city and village through out the World.

WFMC GB Provides Local and National events for all sport martial arts formats. We provide support for clubs to develop athletes quickly as well as support athletes to develop their standard so as to compete on the World stage in the ametuers as well as the profesional ranks.
The assocation provides Instructor training, athlete squad training and whole range of programs to develop atheltes for competition or as a personal development tool for none competitors.
Having members from around the world, WFMC is a nationally and internationally recognized Centralized Governing Agency. WFMC provides standardized rank accreditation and promotion guidelines that are universally applied to all martial artists regardless of their training methods or philosophies.